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Filme 'Cabo Verde em 1937'

Brito-Semedo, 17 Jul 14


Ron Barboza.jpeg

Ronald Barboza, ao tomar conhecimento da divulgação do filme na Esquina do Tempo [24.Março.2013] escreveu solicitando que fosse indicado que era uma cortesia de Ron Barboza’s Collection. Também aproveitou para partilhar a estória do filme, que aqui se reproduz com a devida vénia e agradecimentos.


Reedita-se assim o post por uma questão de elementar justiça e para que fique para a memória futura.



I would like to share some history on this film and it’s reemergence. In the 1980's I acquired this film from Mario Rose and then converted it to HI-8 format and then to DVD. Our company Barika Photography & Productions showed it in 1996 & 1997 when we had the first ever Cape Verdean Film Festival, which took place in New Bedford. This film was our centerpiece and it marked the first time this film was shown in over 50 years. We put music to this film and restored it, so the version that is on the internet was done courtesy of Barika Photography & Productions. I have the original 16mm footage in my possession and I would appreciate it if could be mentioned that this film is courtesy of Ron Barboza’s Collection.


Ronald Barboza

New Bedford, EUA, 16.Julho.2014



Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)

A Origem da Nacionalidade Cabo-verdiana

Brito-Semedo, 21 Abr 13


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